Artist Statement

Most artists have many curiosities; I’m concurrently exploring watercolor and acrylic on yupo paper, and experimenting in a watercolor batik method on rice paper. The two couldn’t be more different! What draws me to these approaches? Using Yupo paper, I am enthralled with the effects of color on the surface. In the beginning chaos rules the day, then I gradually refine my composition and amazing things happen. I enjoy the push and pull of color and value in the foreground and background. How do I start a painting? I give up some control and just put colors down on the surface. This uncharted or unknown “start” gives me inspiration. Working this way allows the water media to show its personality. The paint and paper are like two separate beings, mingling together or randomly, between the surface, pigments, and texture.

Painting in Batik is an Indonesian technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to whole cloth. When I use this method with watercolor on rice paper, I am applying wax to areas in order to preserve the white of the paper and lighter colors. I’m gradually applying watercolor after each layer of wax to develop my painting. The process requires one to be very organized, and careful, plotting out each layer of color, and building on the composition or drawing. There is no room for chaos using this method, but it does give a sense of order, and process, knowing the final steps involve ironing out all the layers of wax build up! Who doesn’t go all ZEN when they are using an iron!

So you see, (if you’ve read this far) artists are complicated and often seem contrarian. Bravely, we are only expressing our desires literally, instead of wishfully dreaming about them. It is a way of organizing and processing our reactions to the world around us. That’s all. That’s it. No mirrors, slight of hand, or tricks out of a hat. Just a love for materials, and the desire to experience the process of playing, and working through “what if’s” in a safe place.